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Table 4 Categories of verification certainty

From: The FARSEEING real-world fall repository: a large-scale collaborative database to collect and share sensor signals from real-world falls

Verification certainty

Description of the categorisation based on the correspondence of timing between reported and identified date and time as well as on the correspondence between description of the fall event and the signal data

Not verifiable

Fall date of the sensor signal does NOT correspond with the reported date OR more than one possible fall signals have been identified at the same date.


Fall date of the sensor signal corresponds with the reported date AND the description of pre-fall activity and orientation does NOT correspond with the sensor signals.


Fall date of the sensor signal corresponds with the reported date AND the description of pre-fall activity and orientation corresponds with the sensor signals


Time lag between reported and identified date and time is ±60 min AND the description of pre-fall activity and orientation does NOT correspond with the sensor signals.


Fall date and time of the sensor signal corresponds with the reported time of the day such as morning, noon, afternoon, evening, or night AND the description of pre-fall activity and orientation corresponds with the sensor signals.


Time lag between reported and identified date and time is ±60 min AND the description of pre-fall activity and orientation corresponds with the sensor signals.