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Table 4 Selected content of physical activity programs for older adults from major organizations and institutions

From: Best practices for physical activity programs and behavior counseling in older adult populations




Flexibility/Range of motion



Special conditions

Appropriate audience

1. ACSM fitness book: third edition [3]

Walking and large muscle groups

13 exercises, free weights and body weight

21 exercises

Limited coverage

Lifestyle safety programming evaluation

Limited coverage

Exercise participant (middle and young–old ages)

2. ACSM resource manual: fourth edition [4]

Types of fitness, goal setting, developing exercise sessions, progression, and maintenance

Precautions, patients with cardiovascular disease recommendations

Techniques for static stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; 23 exercises illustrated

Limited specific coverage

Injuries: risks, prevention, and care

Patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, peripheral arterial disease, osteoporosis, and chronic lung disease

Professional wanting underlying scientific basis for recommendations

3. American Council on Exercise: Exercise for older adults book [5]

Techniques in group exercise

Seven exercises, free weights; six exercises, elastic bands

11 exercises

Three exercises

Lifestyle safety programming group-based leadership

Major chronic conditions, medications

Lay or professional exercise leaders

4. Exercise: a guide from the National Institute on Aging book/video [20]

Lifestyle activities

12 exercises, free weights and body weight

12 exercises

Six exercises

Lifestyle safety programming individual evaluation

Limited coverage

Older adult participant

5. Exercise for frail elders [7]

10 seated

14 exercises, elastic, free and Velcro strapped on weights

24 exercises


Safety programming group-based

Comprehensive section on chronic conditions

Lay or professional exercise leader

  1. Programming included strategies for integrating balance, strength, and flexibility into programs or lifestyle activities, and sample schedules with days of the week for strength, endurance, and flexibility training. Evaluation strategies range from simple awareness of functional changes to extensive field-based measures (ACSM). Lifestyle activities include examples of activities that can substitute for walking, cycling, and swimming. Elastic refers to elastic cords or bands, and free weights include anything that can be held or attached to the wrist or ankles. Body weight includes use of body weight for resistance, stair climbing, chair stands, and push-ups