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Table 1 Prospective cohort studies in the elderly: population characteristics, methods of assessing physical activity and energy expenditure, and dose–response relationships

From: Physical activity assessment and health outcomes in old age: how valid are dose–response relationships in epidemiologic studies?







Primary author

Study design, population and health outcome

Questionnaire Type and source

Physical activity described

Operationalizing of PA and EE

Additional notes

Kaplan 1987

17-year follow-up.

Questionnaire Alameda Country Study (SA)

LTPA (e.g. walking, gardening, fishing), sport, exercise.

Low vs. high

Negative response based on low LTPA index.

4,174 F and M. Age 60–94 years.

Index (often, sometimes, never)


Mortality risk


Lee 1990

8-year follow-up. 508 W and M aged ≥ 60 years.

10-item scale on PA (I)

LTPA, performed during past 2 weeks (1976, 1980, 1984)

Total scale score from sum of all items

Dose–response: No.

Risk of all cause mortality



Rakowski 1992

4-year follow-up. 3,679 F, 2,222 M aged ≥70 year.

Longitudinal Study of Aging

Baseline LTPA: Questions:

Walking 1 mile:

Dose–response: yes, based on ≥4 days/week.


Risk of all cause mortality

Questionnaire (I)

“How often do you walk a mile or more at a time?”

Never; <1; 2–3; ≥4 days/week

Co-M; A


“Are physically more active, less active or the same active as other persons?”



Bijnen 1996

30-year follow-up.

Questionnaire of the Zutphen Elderly Study (I)

Walking, cycling (previous week).

Total PA level (min/week).


1,402 M aged 60–90 year.

Hobbies, gardening in summer/winter.

Intensity level: 3-point ordinal scale: moderate PA (2–4 kcal/kg/h); heavy PA (≥4 kcal/kg/h).

-Designed for older populations

Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors

Odd job and sports (min/week)

Walking, cycling ≥20 min ≥3 times weekly at intensity 60% max ex. performance

-Validated among the elderly (age 70–89)

-Direct validity: DLW r = 0.61

-Reliability r = 0.98.

Dose–response: yes, based on both total and heavy PA, and for cycling (only for some risk factors)


La Croix 1996

4.2-year follow-up. 1,645 F and M aged ≥65 year.

Questionnaire adapted from Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire (SA)

5 categories of walking: for exercise, work, errands, pleasure, hiking (h/week)

Hours walked per week


<1; 1–4; >4 h/week

-Designed for younger and older populations

Mortality risk from CHD

-Validated among elderly (mean age 73)

-Direct validity: DLW r = 0.23

Dose–response: yes, based on walking >4 h/week.


Morgan 1997

10-year follow-up.

Questionnaire of the Nottingham Longitudinal Study of Activity and Aging (I)

Walking. Indoor activities incl. housework (min/week)

Tertile grouping of PA level:


1,042 individuals aged ≥65 year.

High activity (1st); intermediate activity (2nd); low activity (3rd)

-Designed for older populations

Mortality risk

-Reliability α ≥ 0.7.

Dose–response: yes, inversely related to activity level.

Co-M; A


Bath 1998

12-year follow-up.

Questionnaire of Nottingham Longitudinal Study of Activity and Ageing (I)

Outdoor PA; indoor productive PA incl. housework; walking; shopping; leisure activities; strength a/o joint flexibility activity (min/week)

Tertiles of PA:


1,042 individuals aged ≥65 year.

Light, moderate vigorous.

-Designed for older populations

Risk of all cause and disease specific mortality

Walking: <10 vs. ≥10 min/day

-Reliability α ≥ 0.7

Dose–response inversely related to tertiles of PA.



Bjinen 1998

10-year follow-up.

Questionnaire of the Zutphen Elderly Study (SA)

Walking, cycling, hobbies, odd jobs, sport, gardening, (min/week).

Total PA score (min/week) converted in tertiles


802 M aged 64–84 year.


-Designed for older populations

Risk of all cause and cardiovascular mortality

1985 and 1995

-Validated among the elderly (mean age 74)

-Direct validity: DLW r = 0.61

-Reliability r = 0.93.

Inverse dose–response relationship across tertiles.



Fried 1998

5-year follow-up. 658 F and 5,201 M aged ≥65 year. (range 65–101 year at baseline).

Questionnaire from Cardiovascular Health Study (I)

Moderate and vigorous LTPA (estimated kcal/week)

5-point ordinal scale: from <67.5 to >1,890 kcal/week

Inverse dose–response relationship across tertiles.

Mortality risk


Hakim 1998

12-year follow-up.

Questionnaire adapted to Framingham Heart Study (I)

Daily distance walked (miles/day) at baseline

3-point ordinal scale for walking distance per day (miles/day):

Framingham Questionnaire

707 M aged 61–81 year.

0.0–0.9; 1.0–2.0, and 2.1–8.0

-Validated among men aged 45–64

Risk of all cause mortality and mortality from CHD and cancer

-Direct validity (MET) r = 0.63 and r = 0.55

-Reliability r = 0.30–0.59

Dose–response inversely related to miles/day.


Bijnen 1999

5-year follow-up.

Questionnaire of the Zutphen Elderly Study

Walking, cycling, hobbies, odd jobs, sports, gardening (min week−1).

Total PA score (min/week) converted in tertiles.


472 M, aged 70–79 year.


LTPA: EE estimation for walking, stair climbing, sports/ recreation.

Intensity: “heavy” (≥ 4 kcal/kg/h) vs. “non-heavy” (<4 kcal/kg/h)

-Designed for older populations

Mortality risk

1985 und 1995.

-Validated among the elderly (age 70–89; mean age 74)

-Direct validity: DLW r = 0.61

-Reliability r = 0.93.

Dose–response: yes, based on 2nd and 3rd tertiles of total PA; no, based on intensity.

Co-M; A

Hakim 1999

2–4 year follow-up.

Questionnaire adapted to Framingham Heart Study (I)

Walking (miles per day) (baseline)

3-point ordinal scale for

Framingham Questionnaire

2,678 M, aged 71–93 year.

Miles/day (<0.25 vs. >1.5; 0.25–1.5 vs. >1.5; <0.25 vs. 0.25–1.5)

-Validated among men aged 45–64

Risk of CHD

-Direct validity (MET) r = 0.63 and r = 0.55

-Reliability r = 0.30–0.59.

Dose–response: yes, based on higher miles/day each.



Kostka 1999

0.5-year follow-up.

Questionnaire d`Activité Physique Saint Etienne (I)

Sports, gardening, housework, walking corresponding to intensity ≥ 3 METS

Mean habitual daily EE (kJ/day)


-Designed for older populations

21 F and 17 M, aged 65–84 year.

-Validated among the elderly (mean age 71)

Change of risk factors (blood lipids and lipoproteins)

-Direct validity: DLW r = 0.32

-Reliability: low/moderate

-Responsiveness: low.

Dose–response: no relationship referring MHDEE for 6 months


Stessman 2000

6-year follow-up.

Jerusalem 70-year Old-Longitudinal Study

LTPA (walking, sport)

-No activity (walking <4 h/week)

Questionnaire designed for older populations.

456 subjects aged ≥70 year.

Questionnaire adapted from Gothenburg population study of 70-year olds (I)

-Moderate PA (walking around 4 h/week)

Dose response: yes, based on moderate and regular PA

Mortality risk

-Sports (sport activity at least 2 times per week.

-Regular PA (walking ≥1 h/day)

Van Dam 2002

5-year follow-up 424 M, age

Questionnaire of the Zutphen Elderly Study (SA)

Walking, cycling time hobbies, odd jobs, sport, gardening (min/week).

Duration of moderate PA (≥4 kcal/kg/h): none; > 0–29; 30–59; ≥60 min/day)


69–89 year, mean 75 year.

1985 and 1990

Cycling, walking, gardening: none; >0–19; 20 (min/day)

-Designed for older populations

Prevalence of glucose tolerance

-Validated among the elderly (mean age 74)

-Direct validity: DLW r = 0.61

-Re-test reliability r = 0.93.

Dose–response: yes, based on moderate PA ≥30 min/day and cycling >19 min/day.



Gregg 2003

12.5-year follow-up.

Modified Paffenbarger PA Questionnaire (SA)

Stairs climbed, blocks walked, sports, recreation. EE (kcal/week)

Quintile for kcal week−1 for

Paffenbarger PA Questionnaire

9,518 F, aged >65 year.


-Total PA: <163 (1st) to ≥1,907 (5th);

-Designed for older and younger populations

Risk of all cause mortality

(baseline, after 5.7 years and 12.5 years)

-Walking: <70 (1st) to ≥898 (5th)

-Validated among older people

-Direct validity: DLW r = 0.39

-Reliability: low

-Responsiveness: low.

Inverse dose–response based across kcal/week for all-cause and CVD



Lan 2006

2 years follow-up.

Questionnaire Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey (I)

13 activities (e.g. walking, race walking, Chinese-style exercise, sports, weight lifting, indoor exercises (baseline).

5-point ordinal indices on total amount of EE: from sedentary and <500 to ≥2,000 (kcal/week)


2,113 F and M age ≥65 years.

Estimation of EE (kcal/week)

-Designed for older populations

Mortality risk

-Validated among older people (age 65–≥80)

-Internal consistency α = 0.88

-Repeated measures kappa 0.41–0.46.

Dose–response: yes, based on based (kcal/week), with benefit

>1,000 kcal/week).


Manini 2006

Population-based study of EE over 2 weeks. 6.15-year follow-up. 302 community-dwelling F (aged 70–82).

DLW and unspecified questionnaire (I)

Free-living activities.

Tertiles for kcal/day:

DLW: validity and repeatability: high.

Risk of all cause mortality

Measured EE.

<521 (low)

Dose–response relation based on highest tertile

521–770 (medium)

>770 (high)

  1. Abbreviations: A adjusted for age, Co-M adjusted for co-morbidities and/or perceived health, CHD coronary heart disease, DLW doubly labeled water, EE caloric energy expenditure, F female, I interview-administered, kcal kilocalorie, kJ kilojoules, LTPA leisure time physical activity, M male, MET metabolic equivalent, MHDEE mean habitual daily energy expenditure, PA physical activity, SA self-administered