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Table 1 Studies on the impact of sport participation on subjective well-being (in chronological order)

From: Subjective well-being in European countries—on the age-specific impact of physical activity





Central findings

Becchetti et al. [3]


German Social Economic Panel (GSOEP)

Ordinary least squares (OLS) and fixed effects (FE)

Relational goods, including sports participation individually and collectively increases life satisfaction

Lechner [30]


German Social Economic Panel (GSOEP)

Matching estimator

Significant effects of sport participation upon SWB of males are identified but positive and insignificant effects for females

Rasciute and Downward [36]


UK Taking Part Survey

Bivariate and ordered probit, seemingly unrelated regression (SUR)

Sports participation and walking have a positive effect on both the individual’s health and happiness. Cycling also appears to involve some negative impact on happiness, which could be the disutility associated with traffic congestion

Downward and Rasciute [13]


UK Taking Part Survey

Heterogeneous threshold ordered probit estimator

Sports participation increases SWB generally, but more so in the context of social interactions (team sports and sports undertaken with a partner)

Lee and Park [31]


Primary data

Ordered probit, ordered logit and OLS

Controlling for six different types of physical disability it is shown that sports participation raises the probability of higher levels of SWB