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Table 3 Topics and domains of the educational material

From: The design of a purpose-built exergame for fall prediction and prevention for older people




General Information

Understanding Falls

A general introduction on fall prevention and fall related injuries. Current statistics and research are summarised and known modifiable risk factors are highlighted.

Information on fall risk factors and fall prevention strategies

Exercise and Balance

Explains the benefits of exercise in the prevention of falls, states the recommended level of physical activity, includes tips to increase incidental activity and lists types of balance and aerobic exercise.


Healthy Eating

Covers why diet, hydration, calcium and vitamin D are important. This topic is guided by good practice principles as there is limited evidence in this area.


Your General Health

Information on how health can impact on balance and falls including acute and chronic health conditions, cardiovascular health, aspects of mental health, arthritis and incontinence.



Outlines common changes in vision and how they can affect the ability to see, react and maintain balance (i.e., multifocal glasses or other eye conditions).


Feet and Footwear

Describes how feet and common foot problems experienced by older people can impair balance. Includes why footwear is important for maintaining balance and outlines features of a ‘safe’ shoe.


Bone Health and Fractures

Highlights why bone health and preventing fractures are important. This topic covers aspects of nutrition, exercise, prescription medications, and prevention of osteoporosis and hip protectors.


Fear of Falling

Discusses why fear of falling can increase the risk of having a fall and how it can affect daily and physical activity levels, balance and confidence.



Describes why and how certain medications affect balance and increase risk of falling.


Environmental Hazards

Information on potential hazards and risks both inside and outside the home are discussed. How and why certain surroundings can be a risk factor is outlined. Simple and more sophisticated home modifications are described.


Emergency Plan

Describes why having an emergency plan is important and provides simple instructions to follow after a fall. Provides tips to assist them getting up or to get help after a fall.


Health and Lifestyle

Questions relating to each of the education topics are asked to help individuals reflect on and identify their own fall risk factors.


Home Safety

Designed to help older people follow basic home safety guidelines and identify aspects of their home that might increase their risk of a fall.


Fall Quiz

Reflects on the most important points covered by the education fact sheets.