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Table 3 Bland and Altman limits of agreement between sessions for MVIS and RFG parameters of all patients and the 2 subgroups (fallers and non-fallers) recruited for the hip abduction test in standing position

From: Intra-rater reliability of hip abductor isometric strength testing in a standing position in older fallers and non-fallers



Mean (±SD) difference between sessions (biais)

Lower LOA to Upper LOA

All (N = 32)

MVIS ( −1 )

0.007 ± 0.13

−0.38 to 0.40

RFG ( − 1 .s − 1 )

0.23 ± 1.75

−3.01 to 3.48

Fallers (N = 16)

MVIS ( − 1 )

0.008 ± 0.16

− 0.28 to 0.29

RFG ( − 1 .s − 1 )

0.67 ± 1.48

−2.42 to 3.76

Non-fallers (N = 16)

MVIS ( − 1 )

0.006 ± 0.12

−0.48 to 0.44

RFG ( − 1 .s − 1 )

−0.21 ± 1.93

− 3.04 to 2.63

  1. SD standard deviation, LOA limits of agreement, MVIS maximal voluntary isometric strength, RFG rate of force generation