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Table 2 Use of body-worn sensors to assess fall risk

From: Sensor-based fall risk assessment in older adults with or without cognitive impairment: a systematic review

Assessment while sensor was used

Applied sensors (range of sampling rates in Hertz)

Body location

Assessed variables

gait analysis (between 7.62 and 400 m)

[35, 40, 41, 43, 47, 48, 51, 56, 57, 62]

DynaPort, Trigno wireless systems, Locometrix, X16-1C, ActiGraph, GT3X+, Freescale, DAAF, ETB-Pegasus

(30 Hz–296.3 Hz)

head, waist, lower back, pelvis

temporal and spatial gait variables,

local dynamic stability variables,

variables of gait symmetry,

acceleration variables,

angle variables

daily-life walking between three to eight days

[35, 36, 44, 49, 52, 54, 59]

Senior Mobility Monitor, SHIMMER platform, DynaPort, Opal, BMA280

(50 Hz–128 Hz)

chest, lower back, wrist, upper legs, lower legs

temporal and spatial gait variables,

variables of gait symmetry and gait variability,

variables of gait complexity and gait smoothness,

angle variables,

acceleration variables

Timed-Up and Go Test

[42, 53, 55, 58, 61, 62]

SHIMMER platform, Freescale, Opal, Mobi8 System, combined sensor

(100 Hz–256 Hz)

chest, waist, lower back, upper legs, foot

temporal and spatial gait variables,

angular velocity variables,

energy variables,

angle variables

Tinetti Test [19]


(50 Hz)


temporal and spatial gait variables, balance variables

six-minutes walking test [64]


(100 Hz)

lower back

acceleration variables,

variables of gait variability


standardized protocol with walking and sit to stand transitions [60]

not specified

(50 Hz)

around the neck

temporal gait variables,

acceleration variables

specially developed test battery [50]


(100 Hz)

lower back, upper legs, lower legs

temporal and spatial gait variables,

angle variables,

angular velocity variables,

semi-unsupervised walking and stair ascent and descent [46]

Opal (128 Hz)

lower back, ankle

temporal gait variables,

variables of gait variability,

variables of movement vigour

  1. All applied sensors contained an accelerometer, a gyroscope or a combination of both