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Table 1 Overview of the definitions of physical activity, physical exercise, physical inactivity, physical intervention, physical training, and sedentary behavior. The definitions are based on the following literature [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]

From: Going digital – a commentary on the terminology used at the intersection of physical activity and digital health



Physical activity

“ defined as all muscle-induced bodily movements (e.g., in occupational or leisure time) leading to an increase in the energy expenditure above 1.0/1.5 MET (metabolic equivalent of the task; 1 MET = 1 kcal (4.184 kJ) • kg− 1 • h− 1).”

Physical exercise

“…is defined as a specific form of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive to maintain or improve increasing or, at least, maintaining the performance in one or more fitness dimensions. Physical exercise can be differentiated based on temporal characteristics in acute (single bout/session of) physical exercise and chronic (multiple bouts/sessions of) physical exercise.”

Physical inactivity

“…is defined as an insufficient level of physical activity to meet specific recommendations (e.g., provided by the World Health Organization).”

Physical intervention

" an umbrella term that encompasses both physical exercise and physical training."

Physical training

“…is defined as chronic physical exercises being conducted regularly in a planned, structured, and purposive manner with the objective of increasing or, at least, maintaining the performance in one or more fitness dimensions.”

Sedentary behavior

“…is defined as behavior any waking behavior characterized by an energy expenditure of 1.5 METs or lower while sitting, reclining or lying.”