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Table 1 Overview of categorization of intervention components

From: Physical activity monitoring-based interventions in geriatric patients: a scoping review on intervention components and clinical applicability





PA monitor as main intervention component


Additional to usual care, indication-specific intervention (e.g., weight-loss program) or structured behavioral intervention



Pedometer (limited to the assessment of steps during walking)


PA monitor (enable to assess other activities)

Consumer grade device

Research grade device


Use of corresponding application or web platform


Main PA target

Steps per day


time of walking/light intensity PA per day


Sedentary time per day


Goal- setting

Fixed goals (e.g., 7.000 steps/day)


Based on individual PA data (e.g., baseline step count)


Goal- setting standardization


Tailoring during the intervention



Using PA monitor



By PA monitor/application only


Additional feedback provided


Feedback only provided by coach


Frequency (daily, (≤ once per week, > once per week)



Use of other BCT components besides feedback, goal setting and self-monitoring


BCT counseling

Individual or group-based


Mediation mode (face-to-face, telephone or other)


Frequency (≤ once per week, > once per week)

  1. BCT behavior change technique, PA physical activity