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Table 2 Odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI), and adjusted risk difference (ARD) with 95% CI of dementia associated with joint categories of change in physical activity (PA) and trajectories of systolic blood pressure (SBP). Based on complete case data (n = 6156)

From: Change in physical activity and systolic blood pressure trajectories throughout mid-life and the development of dementia in older age: the HUNT study


PA and SBP groups

OR (95% CI)a

OR (95% CI)b

ARD % (95% CI)b

PA stable low

SBP high

1.00 (Reference)

1.00 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

SBP mid

0.74 (0.56, 0.97)

0.80 (0.61, 1.06)

-2.34 (-5.42, 0.75)

SBP low

0.63 (0.47, 0.84)

0.71 (0.53, 0.96)

-3.44 (-6.64, -0.25)

PA high-low

SBP high

0.41 (0.09, 1.98)

0.49 (0.10, 2.37)

-6.53 (-18.27, 5.22)

SBP mid

0.59 (0.29, 1.18)

0.70 (0.35, 1.41)

-3.64(-10.25, 2.98)

SBP low

1.45 (0.78, 2.69)

1.83 (0.97, 3.45)

7.93 (-1.14, 17.01)

PA low–high

SBP high

1.21 (0.60, 2.47)

1.28 (0.62, 2.66)

3.00 (-6.16, 12.15)

SBP mid

0.61 (0.40, 0.94)

0.73 (0.47, 1.12)

-3.30 (-7.68, 1.08)

SBP low

0.37 (0.23, 0.62)

0.47 (0.28, 0.78)

-6.85 (-11.13, -2.58)

PA stable high

SBP high

0.56 (0.07, 4.36)

0.66 (0.08, 5.17)

-4.16 (-22.49, 14.16)

SBP mid

0.55 (0.22, 1.35)

0.72 (0.29, 1.80)

-3.40 (-12.11, 5.32)

SBP low

0.29 (0.10, 0.83)

0.38 (0.13, 1.10)

-8.34 (-15.32, -1.36)

  1. aAdjusted for sex and age
  2. bFully adjusted