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Table 2 Results from SB and ATMB variables processed by time blocks

From: Determining minimum number of valid days for accurate estimation of sedentary behaviour and awake-time movement behaviours using the ActivPAL3 in nursing home residents



(median ± IQR)


(median ± IQR)



Z difference

P value

Hours awake (h)

12.49 ± 1.81b

12.46 ± 1.80b




Standing duration (h) 

0.87 ± 2.66

0.85 ± 2.62

 < .001



% time awake standing

8.03 ± 20.61

7.59 ± 20.16

 < .001



Walking duration (h)

0.26 ± 0.73

0.26 ± 0.65

 < .001



% time awake walking

2.09 ± 4.94

2.07 ± 4.88

 < .001



Absolute time upright (h)

1.28 ± 3.45

2.29 ± 3.51

 < .001



% time awake upright

11.49 ± 27.04

11.23 ± 27.62

 < .001



Number of sit to stand transitions

21.16 ± 29.50

21.33 ± 29.17

 < .001


 < .001*

Absolute time in SB (h)

10.63 ± 2.41

10.61 ± 2.29




% time awake in SB

88.50 ± 27.04

88.76 ± 27.62

 < .001



Number of SB bouts < 30 min

16.16 ± 25.33

15.66 ± 26.0

 < .001


 < .001*

Absolute time spent in bouts < 30 min (h)

1.43 ± 2.63

1.52 ± 2.70

 < .001


 < .001*

% time awake in bouts < 30 min

10.57 ± 18.74

12.54 ± 19.23

 < .001


 < .001*

Number of SB bouts between 30–60 min

2.33 ± 4.0

2.33 ± 4.00

 < .001



Absolute time spent in bouts between 30–60 min (h)

1.62 ± 2.84

1.55 ± 2.75

 < .001



% time awake in bouts between 30–60 min

11.99 ± 20.71

11.92 ± 20.50

 < .001



Number of SB bouts > 60 min

2.33 ± 1.33

2.83 ± 1.50

 < .001


 < .001*

Absolute time spent in bouts > 60 min (h)

6.47 ± 7.72

6.35 ± 7.63

 < .001


 < .001*

% of time awake in bouts > 60 min

54.39 ± 72.61

52.18 ± 71.79

 < .001


 < .001*

Average duration of SB bouts (min)

29.14 ± 99.10

29.53 ± 80.89

 < .001


 < .001*

  1. KS Kolmogorov–Smirnov, SB Sedentary behaviour, ATMB Awake time movement behaviour, Midnight Midnight time block, Midday Midday time block, IQR Interquartile range, h Hours, min Minutes, % Percentage
  2. a Two-related means T-test mean difference
  3. b Mean ± standard deviation
  4. * Statistically significant (p < 0.05)