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Table 3 Quotes about factors of grandparents’ physical activity and sedentary behavior on the personal (biological) level

From: Determinants of caregiving grandparents’ physical activity and sedentary behavior: a qualitative study using focus group discussions

Grandparental (health) characteristics

Physical health

Quote 1 (Grandparent 25, ♀, 59 years): “If I have a pretty bad cold and I still go and look after the grandchildren, then I have a lot less energy than usual. In that case, I dare to suggest playing a board game.”

Quote 2 (Grandparent 8, ♀, 56 years): “Once we went to one of those indoor playgrounds. I was lucky that my husband was able to go with our grandchild, as I’m not that agile because I’m limited by a knee prosthesis.”

Age of the grandparent

Quote 3 (Grandparent 20, ♀, 61 years): “I had my first grandchild when I was 55, still working, of course you have other worries then, but physically you’re much fitter. Five years can make a difference actually. Someone told me that it is not hard to turn 50 but it is to turn 55. Now I’m 62 and the difference is noticeable.”


Combination of occupation and care

Quote 4 (Grandparent 20, ♀, 61 years): “You can also let the grandchildren be physically active and at the same time find some rest for yourself. We would go to the playground or to the beach, I would sit down and rest while they played in the sand, for example, in the park or at the playground.”

Intensity of caregiving activities

Quote 5 (Grandparent 8, ♀, 56 years): “I also take that moment of rest in the afternoon. Because as a grandparent you need that too, to have an hour of rest. Especially with a very active grandchild, you can use that.”

  1. ♀ Quote of a grandmother