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Table 3 Comparing the effects of physical activity on frailty between subgroups of lower and higher technology acceptance

From: The association of technology acceptance and physical activity on frailty in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic period

Dependent variable

Subgroup 1 (N = 195)a Lower technology acceptance STAM score ≤ 96 (median)

Subgroup 2 (N = 185)a

Higher technology acceptance STAM score > 96 (median)

Frailty (FRAIL)

Beta (SE)


Beta (SE)


Independent variables


Physical activity (RAPA)

−0.313 (0.099)


0.104 (0.126)


  1. *p-value< 0.05, STAM Senior Technology Acceptance Model, RAPA Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity
  2. aThe model adjusted for covariates including age, gender, education levels, financial status, co-living status, no. of falls in the last 12 months, COVID-19 severity, depression, and social network