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Table 1 Means (and SD) of participants’ characteristics in each age group

From: Protective effects of physical activity on episodic memory during aging are explained by executive functioning


Younger adults (n = 19)

Older adults (n = 25)

Age (years)

27.16 (5.29)

69.64 (9.37)

Educational level (years)

13.32 (2.14)

10.44 (2.08)

Vocabulary (maximum score 34)

23.84 (2.48)

22.28 (5.40)

Anxiety (maximum score 21)

3.63 (2.19)

4.44 (2.80)

Depression (maximum score 21)

3.95 (2.59)

4.92 (2.94)

Sex ratio (% of women)

