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Table 2 Means (and SD) of memory scores, executive index and PA measures for each age group

From: Protective effects of physical activity on episodic memory during aging are explained by executive functioning


Younger adults (n = 19)

Older adults (n = 25)

Episodic memory score

 % of correctly recalled words

48.16 (10.57)

25.00 (10.41)

Working-memory score

 % of errors on the working-memory load

10.53 (6.64)

21.00 (6.12)

Executive functions scores


0.32 (0.11)

0.448 (0.09)


26.05 (7.10)

59.04 (32.96)


24.68 (1.83)

21.40 (3.37)

 Executive index

2.23 (1.37)

-1.53 (2.68)

Physical activities

 Leisure activities (IAL)

2.74 (0.65)

3.08 (0.84)

 Sports (IAS)

4.27 (3.54)

3.97 (3.64)

 PA index

7.01 (3.52)

7.05 (3.91)